Tell the World
Would you consider yourself to be a good person? I think most people would probably say they are. They would justify this by saying that they try to do things right and have done more good than bad. And in an age of moral relativism who knows what good even means?
Jesus was once approached by a young man who asked him what he should do to inherit eternal life. Notice that he call Jesus "good teacher". And Jesus, rather than just answering the question, comes back with one of his own. "Why do you call me good? No one is good- except God alone".
How are we to say that we are good when Jesus himself says that "no one is good". What kind of standard must he be referring to? For surely I am a good person.
Jesus' standard for Good is the Law given in the Ten Commandments! When we measure ourselves against the unshakeable, eternal, and very politically incorrect Law of God, we realize very quickly that none of us are good.
Here is a good test for you to see whether or not you are a good person (in God's eyes).
Have you ever told a lie? Even a small little lie? If so, what does that make you (what do we call people who tell lies?)?
Have you ever stolen anything? Money, a piece of gum, a little something from school or work? What does that make you?
Here is a big one. Have you ever committed adultery? Did you know that Jesus said that if you look at a woman with lust in your heart you have already committed adultery?
If you are honest with your self, you will realize that you (as I am) are a liar, thief and an adulterer. And that is only three of the ten Commandments!
Paul says that he would not have know what sin was apart from the Law. Without us measuring our lives against God's standard, we will always think we are good- or at least better than others.
One day we will all be judged by God- and the standard will be perfection. Will you be guilty or innocent? In light of what you just admitted to yourself and God, will He let you into Heaven or will He send you to Hell?
If your honest assessment is that you would be sent to Hell (because there is no place for liars, fornicators, homosexuals, perverts, thieves in Heaven- see here and here) then I hope this concerns you.
So what are you going to do about it?
E aí Rodrigo, td bem?
Aqui é o Robertinho de digitei teu nome no google pra saber notícias e descobri o seu blog.
Cara, como as únicas lembranças q tenho de vc e sua família são de quando nós éramos crianças, eu fiquei impressionado como seu filhinho é a sua cara daquela época...mostrei pra minha mãe e ela achou a mesma coisa. Estou muito feliz por vc ter construído uma família e ter tido um filho saudável, vc merece.
Não sei quando esteve aqui por último, mas as coisas não vão indo bem, em termos de política, segurança e tudo que vc já deve imaginar vindo daqui. Inclusive nosso Flamengo q tá lutando pra não ser rebaixado como já virou rotina...rsss
Eu não tenho um blog, já tive, mas eu to estudando pra uma prova q eu vou fazer então não estou podendo perder mto tempo com outras coisas, mas eu vou sempre passar aqui pra falar com vc.
Dá um grande abraço na Vera e no Paul por mim, vcs também fizeram por onde minha infância ter sido a melhor época da minha vida e eu nunca vou esquecer.
Um grande abraço.
what if you are not perfect but have accepted jesus into you heart...are you still going to heaven when the judgement day comes?
Jordan, that is a great question.
Fellow readers, what do you think? Why should God let any of us into Heaven?
(I will post a blog on this next week)
We should be let into heaven because, if you were weren't too lazy, you have asked Jesus for forgiveness. I could be wrong, but wasnt that the point of Jesus living? He did die for our sins and all, and what else would 'Jesus died for our sins' mean? If you HAVENT asked him for forgiveness, THEN your screwed.
Honestly, God should not let anyone of us in heaven if we are judged by our own merit. Not a one of us has or ever will be able to live up to the example of perfection that is Christ. Because we would never be able to get into Heaven by our deeds or accomplishments, and the fact that God desires us as the creator of the universe desires to know his creations, he has sent his son Jesus to pay for what we ourselves cannot ever dream of accomplishing on our own. We have been given the oppurtunity to come close to the living God, our Creator, through Jesus' ultimate sacrifice and God's incredible love and grace. If someone has accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior and truly repented of their sins then they should go to heaven. Hell is the absence of God. Only those who choose to reject him through living a sinful life, not caring about the fact that God desires them to be with him are sent there. Ultimately God is our judge and thankfully he is just and merciful.
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